Forum on Vocational Excellence 2024

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Bandeau d'annonce Forum on Vocational Excellence


Reshape the future of skills with Centres of Vocational Excellence

In a world of ultra-rapid change, we need robust vocational education and training to build a sustainable future. Whether the challenge at hand is greening our economy, implementing digital solutions in our society, trying to keep up with AI or to make sure we develop just and inclusive transitions in our communities, vocational education and training (VET) is at the very core. Because without the properly skilled people, we will simply be unable to make the change needed. Luckily, all across Europe (and beyond!), educators, national and regional governments and companies have joined forces to work together in their skills ecosystems, building warm networks that shape the future of skills together in Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE).

From 10 to 12 September 2024, representatives of all these Centres of Vocational Excellence will meet in Lyon, France, for the 3rd Forum on Vocational Excellence.


Goal of the Forum

All across Europe, highly motivated professionals are implementing Centres of Vocational Excellence. Together they cover almost all of Europe and a wide variety of sectors. This Forum is an event by and for these Centres of Vocational Excellence, to exchange experiences, share lessons learned, inspire each other with best practices, create synergies between sectors and cocreate solutions for common challenges in implementing their Centres of Vocational Excellence.

Since the Centres of Vocational Excellence are not only a European initiative, and there are many similar national CoVE initiatives, one of the main goals of this years’ Forum is to provide matchmaking opportunities between the CoVEs, both nationally and internationally. Secondly, you will have ample opportunity to see and experience what the CoVEs and Campus des Metiers and Qualifications have achieved over the last 5 years.

SEPR will actively participate in this effervescent event, thanks the two CoVEs we are involved in:

  • as the leader of the MOSAIC CoVE, focusing on Arts & Crafts and their relation to Design and Industry. MOSAIC brings together a wide range of partners, from VET providers, universities, employers, research centres (among others) from 7 different countries, to develop « skills ecosystems » that contribute to development, innovation, and smart specialisation strategies. Its aim is to provide high quality vocational skills, support entrepreneurial activities, the diffusion of innovation, and act as a knowledge and innovation hubs for companies, while working with centres in other countries through international collaborative platforms.
  •  as a partner of Auto-CoVE 2.0 coordinated by OMNIA (Finland); this project includes 16 full partners from 7 countries and 14 associated partners. Automotive companies increasingly need staff who have skills in the field of green automobiles: hybrid, hydrogen and electric vehicles. This project aims to conduct a deep skills-gap-analysis in the sector by collaborating with companies and VET schools. After that, the project aims to develop 17 training modules for marketing, maintenance and service of vehicles. SEPR is a partner of the project as well as the leader of the Quality Assurance and Management Work Package.

SEPR will also host a side visit and welcome around 30 participants to show our Campus facilities and workshops and find collaboration opportunities, especially in the Arts & Craft and Design sector.

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